Hi fellow travelers, I hope you all are exploring, well, as much as you can, in this new world we are living in. I, myself, must say that it has been the most depressing part of the experience I have had with COVID-19. The most traumatic experience, is knowing how many people have been affected by the virus, in every way possible. This time of our lives has been ever changing and ever stressful, a time where travel and visiting other people and places is much needed. But, because our goal is to keep the world safe, so we can one day enjoy it again, we stay home, wondering if we will ever see the places we long to connect to and immerse ourselves in.
The phrase vacation at home is one I have never believed in. I for one, do not live near a beach, or theme park, or a sun mecca, except for three months of the year (June, July and August) and we are not yet in those three months. So, for me being at home is riddled with snow days, wind and cold nights that begin at 5:00 pm. This is not my idea of a vacation, so what do I do? What any desperate, tortured parent, who is almost finished home schooling their bored, crazed, cabin fevered kids would do. Buy a pool, not a huge pool, not build a backyard pool, but comb the internet looking for a sizable pool, that my two kids won’t get bored of in a week. I will tell you right now, there is not a pool on the internet, or store shelves, available at this moment. If you didn’t think ahead and buy one early, then you are screwed. I was able to secure one and luckily we have had a few nice days, so the kids were able to pretend they were some place tropical. I, however am still working from home, so I did not get to participate in the imaginary beach vacation. But, it looked like a blast.
For me vacationing from home seems impossible, but there are a few things that I have been able to do, that make me feel like I could have a chance at a mini trip around the world.
Decorate Your Outdoor Space-
While I know this takes some cash and it’s not readily available right now, nor are any of the places you would shop open, but this tip definitely is where to start. Pick a place you enjoy, like Greece, Italy, Mexico, Fiji and try to create an outdoor space that resembles those locations. Tiki bars, flowers, tropical signs. furniture, all can transform your outdoors into a location. I love Greece and my backyard has been designed to remind me of the classic al isles. Cobalt blue rugs and umbrellas, ancient looking pots filled with flowers, grape vines covering a trellace we had put in years ago and fruit trees, help to make the backyard feel more like the country than the burbs. It’s a way to experience the places you love to travel to without going anywhere.
Choose Water Toys Wisely-
I am the first one to buy every outdoor ever made to entertain the kids, but it has left me thinking my yard is more like a flea market, than an actual space I can use. This year I have decided that I will purchase water toys wisely. The pool I bought is big enough for both kids to play in and actually use their floats, it’s not an above ground pool, which can be expensive and not an HOA delight. But, it’s about ten feet long and six feet wide, so for two small kids it can be pretty big. This pool will allow the kids to really feel like they are at a pool, but isn’t such an eyesore. I also don’t need many other items to distract them, which leaves my yard clutter free.
Buy Tropical Plants-
I do not live anywhere near a tropical location, I don’t even live in the South, my climate is dry and hot. Tropical plants do not necessarily thrive in my soil or weather, but I have learned that potted plants can be successful, if given the love and attention they need. I have brought a virtually barren fig tree back to life and it has produced fruit and just potted a Meyer Lemon tree. I also am trying to keep a gardenia tree alive, although that has proven difficult. It helps to have plants that make you feel like you are somewhere tropical, because their fragrance is exotic and they look beautiful. The process of growing something unusual can be soothing and exciting.
I know it’s hard to think that things might be normal again and we can start to explore our world. But for the time being, try to find some ways that you can change your surroundings and incorporate some of the things you love about the travel you have done into your own home. I know it’s inspiring me to think about the places we will go once we can.