If you have never been to Elitch Gardens then you are missing a great time! The park has been part of Colorado since the 1890’s and obviously has evolved from it’s early days. The park has so many events and even a water park that adds to the adventure. From big thrill rides, to kiddie rides and even concerts and spooky haunted houses during Halloween, it’s a major sightseeing location. Plus, the great thing is that it’s affordable! Some parks can cost upwards of $50-100 per person and it’s hard for families on a budget to enjoy them. But, if you go online now and buy your tickets for opening day on April 20th you will only pay $39.99 for a day ticket! That is super cheap, and a season pass is only $69.99! That way you can play all summer long. The park has so much to offer, that it is really a great addition to our city. Check them out online at www.elitchgardens.com
Colorado is known for it’s beautiful mountains and outdoor activities, what if we put both of those together in a super thrilling amusement park? Well, it’s already been done, twice!
Hi Fellow travelers! I hope you all are exploring! Have you ever felt like the place you live in just doesn’t have anything fun to do? I, myself have felt like I live in a state that doesn’t offer much in the way of amusement parks, beaches, or cool places to go. I mean, here in Denver, Colorado we don’t have a Disneyland or Universal Studios or a beach. So, when my kids want to do something fun, I typically draw a blank and say well, there’s the usual, zoo, museum, aquarium activities and in the summer of course the pool and water parks are a great idea. But, to be honest, we have so many diverse things to do in Colorado that it is actually mind boggling. Not only do we have outdoor amusement parks, that allow us to take in the beauty of the state while playing, but, we also have so many different attractions to enjoy. It’s hard to imagine a more unique place to play then in Colorado, we have great weather all year and we love our mountains! And we use them in our desire to find thrills and fun, so where are the most exciting places to explore? You’ll find a few of the many below.
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in Glenwood Springs, CO not only has spectacular mountain views, but it allows you to enjoy intense rides in those mountains. Who doesn’t love flying through the canyon on a Giant Canyon Swing (not me, by the way)? Or, careening down the side of the mountain on an Alpine Coaster (more my speed)? But, if that’s not enough to chill you the bone, then try their new Haunted Mine Drop ride, yes, it’s true, it’s like crazy that anyone would want to drop 110 feet into a dark mountain mine, but you can do it! They also have cave tours and family rides, if your not looking to scare the pants off of yourself, so, there is something for the whole family! If you need a mountain getaway that may involve some sizzling hot springs loaded with excitement, then check out Glenwood Caverns, if you buy your tickets online use the code BUYONLINE5P for 5% off. www.glenwoodcaverns.com
If you live in the southern part of the state, don’t worry Colorado Springs has you covered. Cave of the Winds Mountain Park has just as many chilling rides to keep you screaming for more. They boast some pretty amazing caves (my favorite part), but, they also have a version of the canyon swing called the Terror-Dactyl, you basically fall off of a 200 foot cliff into the canyon hoping, that you haven’t fainted from fear. It looks exhilarating, but, only from a distance. If you like the experience of flying through the air, you have to try the Bat- A- Pult, it is similar to the free fall of the Terror-Dactyl but then continues to let you fly through the air in a gliding motion. Even kids can ride it, with their fearless parents of course. When you are finished with the excitement of the park, you can mosey on over to Garden of The Gods and keep your feet on the ground, while being in awe of the rock formations. www.caveofthewinds.com
Keep going south in Colorado and you will find the Royal Gorge, this gorge is stunning and high, and yes, they even have a few rides to electrify you. The Royal Gorge Bridge and Park is spectacular, I mean truly, it’s a sight to see. But, if you want to add a little extra delight to the sights, then take the gondola ride, it’s the longest in the world and you can see everything the gorge has to offer. If you want to get shaky in the knees then simply walk across the bridge, only 956 feet above the Arkansas River, no biggie. They also offer a play area for kids, places to eat and a carousel. It’s a great day of family fun! They are open 365 days a year, weather permitting and you will never get tired of seeing the grandeur of the gorge. www.royalgorgebridge.com
Phew! So far we have been a little wild and crazy, I mean, all those rides, I need a little peace and quiet. If you want to feel like you have stepped onto another planet right here in Colorado, then you need to check out The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in southern Colorado. It’s a park unlike any other, sand dunes, a mini beach at Medano Creek, fishing, hiking and camping out under the stars. It’s definitely a place of extreme beauty, and extreme fun, who doesn’t want to try sand sledding? That sounds pretty interesting to me. The park is only $25 per vehicle for a 7 day pass, and there are free days during the year! It’s really a deal for the amount of magic that the park has to offer. www.nps.gov
Well, now I must say, I stand corrected, Colorado definitely has more to offer than I thought, and that’s not even the half of it. There are so many parks to have fun and enjoy I can’t even name them all. So, when you think that a trip to Legoland would be a great adventure for the family, look in your own backyard. There are so many unique places to visit in Colorado it will take your breath away….literally.