Hi fellow travelers! I hope you all are exploring! I just wanted to share a little bit about myself. I am a mom of two young toddlers in Denver, Colorado, who loves to travel….with my kids. Yes, I said it, I do love taking them with me, the excitement in their eyes and the fun they have seeing new places and experiencing new things is pure joy! I have traveled all over the world with out my kids, as a young adult and decided that the best way for my kids to learn about life and culture, is to be a part of it. My husband and I have taken our kids abroad and around the country. We find it stressful, exciting, tiring, and of course dramatic at times. But, we love to travel and will continue to do so! These days it can be expensive and overwhelming, but, I have picked up a few tips and tricks a long the way to help make our travels easier and affordable. Follow my blog to learn about what works and ways to save money while exploring the world!