Hello Fellow Travelers, I hope you are all exploring! It’s hard to think about places to visit and wonders to see, when we are still experiencing so much uncertainty in the world. But, there is so much to learn from seeing the world and it’s beauty, not just in beaches, landmarks and ruins, but in the people that live in these magical places. The world is an opportunity to learn about people, who they are and how they create. It’s why we travel, to see different people and different scenery. My grandmother was a traveler and my mother after her, she taught me that knowing who you are, comes from knowing what the world is like, in other places besides your own. My mother has traveled all over the world and experienced culture in it’s most incredible form, the people.
So, I wonder why today, after all the amazing opportunities we have to learn about life from someone else, we still choose to isolate ourselves and find solace in those like us. We decide that we know how life should be lived and we don’t need to learn anything different. We don’t have to travel far and wide to understand our history and the change that has happened, we don’t need to leave the country to find different cultures or people. They are all here, living next to us, working with us, teaching us to accept difference, to love the insight and experience that everyone has to offer.
Travel teaches us humility and to trust others we do not know. It gives us joy and love. We become intrigued and thoughtful, connected to something bigger than our own world, the world of humanity. We embrace change and dive into it with abandon. Then suddenly we find that we are no longer our old selves, we are someone in a new world, a new culture and a new state of mind. That is why it is so hard to end our travels, we can no longer accept going back to our old way of life. We yearn to incorporate our new self into the life that we must live, to find the same joy and connection that we were lost in. People teach us who we are and who we want to be, people all over the world, of every color, every country, every town, every era. They are the reason we are in love with travel. We share the food, the music, the history, the sorrow and the love that each human gives, for just being human.
So don’t be afraid to find the world and the connections that will make you a different person. When we love everyone, not because we have to, but because we want to, we know that they will give us a new chance at learning about our life and sharing it with the rest of the world.